Requires Unity 5.2.2 or higher.
The package contains 3 different female character classes (Warrior, Archer, Rogue), each with 3 skins, for a total of 9 characters.
The characters are rigged, skinned and animated. The models are setup for the Mecanim system, so you can add your own animations to the mix and they're mobile friendly.
- 3 Idle Animations - Walking Cycle - Running Cycle - Jump Animation - Primary Attack - Secondary Attack - Drink Potion - 2 Throwing Animations - Damage Animation - Death Animation
In addition to the main models, some items are also included, such as: weapons, potionsand bombs, to use together with the characters, or as pro ps. For performance reasons there are 2 main atlased textures, one for the characters and one for the weapons.
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