Our 2.2 version takes into account the variety of different configurations for a better compatibility. This new version, we hope, will allow you to get the most out of Twinmotion2 under optimal conditions.
Try it for yourself now: Twinmotion 2.2 allows everyone a new trial period, even if you used older versions.
Here's the detailed list of all the modifications:
Features新功能 :
-Down scale on camera render quality between 50% to 100%,
-Down scale on Stand Alone camera quality between 50% to 100%,
-Real-Time System statistics Window,
-Paint ***sh in orthographic view,
-Drag'n'drop of a MeshContainer into another,
-Can animate a whole MeshContainer,
-Backup file before saving,
-Can Reset a material,
-Optimization of rendering big render area in smaller viewport,
-Support 2011 FBX file Format,
-Add bump, specular and reflection maps in FBX import,
-"Replace Revit Objects" function to handle Revit families,
-CubeMap generation in 2048 pixels (High Definition for Qtime VR Panorama).
Fixes修复bug :
-Removed the lag displayer icon, it is displayed only on strategic tasks,
-Save operation is more secure,
-Transparence Blending corrected to be more realistic,
-Real-Time reflection used with small focal is not repeating anymore,
-Bump map on Cylinder correctly displayed,
-Trigger on collision (well removed when Physic on/off),
-Range button in time bar display asks duration,
-"Enter" input doesn't impact Line corner creation anymore,
-Undo/Redo history erased when saved,
-Drag'n'drop texture in file field doesn't pick on viewport anymore,
-Material browser is now threaded and won't freeze Twinmotion anymore,
-Viewport cleaned after a video export,
-Dag'n'drop of street lights (light position is corrected),
-CubeMap generation on camera position,
-Creation parameters of 2D objects can be modified,
-Selection correction with rectangle of sub-geometry,
-Colors used while creating are corrected,
-Stand alone starts on the Start Point defined in .TMW,
-Geographic coordinate world viewer doesn't freeze viewport anymore,
-Creation in orthographic view is on the ortho plane (not the plan picked),
-Physic is deactivated when changing camera (don't lose camera position),
-Storyboard previews keep screen ratio,
-Fixed shadow flickering when the lights are perpendicular to the surface,
-The "Select your camera" list in the export image tab will now show all of your camera,
-Minor bug correction on plan objects,
-New camera name is now more logical.
Join us on one of our Road Tour 2011 to meet our team and discover Twinmotion in detail.
To obtain a good quality render it’s common to have to wait, and often for a very long time. Twinmotion?2 however, enables an immediate realistic display of your project thanks its hybrid GPU / CPU system.
Before your eyes, in real-time, you see volumes, lighting, shadows, materials ... in other words - the final render.
With Twinmotion?2 it is now possible for you to combine design and visualization into the same workflow
The artificially intelligent software lets you fluidly manipulate every element of your project by interfacing with a 3D interactive real-time model, bringing reality to your designs within just a few clicks.
Thanks to the power of Twinmotion?2, you can also now walk around inside your architectural work ...
The precision and quality treatment of graphics in Twinmotion?2 enables a quality close to that of reality.
The dynamic shadow system in Twinmotion?2 displays in real-time the most complex of shadows with the utmost precision.
One of the major advances in Twinmotion?2 is that it is entirely based on «cyclical time».
In Twinmotion?2 physics are automatically activated on all elements that you create or import.
In Twinmotion?2, interactions can trigger or animate any preset parameters in a project, making for a compelling user experience.
The Storyboard saves and categorizes all of your fixed or animated cameras and lets you create demonstration scenarios for your clients.