The main part of this pack is an actor component that can be dropped into a Blueprint and with just a few naming rules on other components, allow the player to control the actor and move it around like a hover craft or such. Be it an anti grav tank, an actual hovercraft, or a mage floating on a pig, you can make it playable with this controller. There are many options included, to help make sure that you can make the actor feel and control how you want it to as well. This is an easy out of the box controller pack to let you make whatever art assets you have quickly become something you can easily play with, emphasizing simplicity and ease of use.
This controller is also made so it can be deactivated and activated as is needed, this can allow it to be replaced with another controller should it also be compatible with this approach (see my other controllers). For example, you could have an actor flying around like a plane and then upon getting close to the ground transform into a hovering unit, letting you quickly and easily swap between different types of controllers to give you more flexibility in what types of interesting actors you can create for your game.
Also included is a camera controller that can control a camera attached to a spring arm in any actor with some simple input events and naming rules, the hover controller has its own camera functions inbuilt, so this is simply an extra.
Lastly, there is a Hovercraft art asset included with this package.
作者: JoanesDa 时间: 2018-3-17 07:35
Thanks man! Great Assets作者: Clementia 时间: 2018-4-6 22:34
(`・∀・´)作者: Frozenroses 时间: 2018-8-20 04:15
going to use it now作者: Frozenroses 时间: 2018-8-20 04:16
i cant use this link 作者: Frozenroses 时间: 2018-8-20 04:17
link broken作者: huangshen011 时间: 2019-7-2 17:43
谢谢分享作者: 时间: 2020-1-5 19:28
Hover Controller作者: mirDD 时间: 2020-2-3 19:35