Dramatically speed up your time to market for your new 3D or 2D game with Core GameKit! We've covered most of your bases with full pooling & combat systems, pickup support (for coins / health packs etc.), Player (and enemy) stat modification, enemy wave set up and level design tools with all the options you need! All done in minutes with no coding required!
:: New! Full object pool system included to avoid Instantiate and Destroy calls!
:: New! Use the value of any World Variable for any Core GameKit Inspector field (a la Playmaker)!
:: New! Support for Unity 2D collisions and triggers!
:: Global waves - each can trigger any number of spawners. Speed up level design massively!
:: Triggered Spawners - these spawn when certain events occur, like a trigger, becoming visible, etc. Can contain nested child spawners!
:: Prefab Pools - these allow you to set up probability of prefabs coming from spawners. Item A should appear 5 times as often as Item B.
:: Killable - this Swiss army knife script gives you hit points, attack points, a full combat system, filters for fine hit detection control, prefab replacement and manipulates World Variables. Can also be used for pickup items such as coins or health packs!
:: World Variables - set up any number of World Variables like score and health. Have Killables change them when you destroy enemies, pick up health packs, etc. You can also set up waves to repeat until World Variables reach a certain value and a lot more!
Third Party Integrations:
- Playmaker
- Behavior Designer
- AI For Mechanim
- Dialogue System