NGUI is a very powerful UI system and event notification framework.
- Editor integration, WYSIWYG
- Localization, data binding, delegates, events
- Supports all platforms
- Make UIs that take 1 draw call
- Comes with full C# source code
- Extensively optimized
- Dedicated support
- ...More Info
- NEW: Added loop, play, pause and reset functionality to UI2DSpriteAnimation.
- NEW: Added new automatic support for linear lighting.
- NEW: Added a pivot point setting to UITable to match UIGrid.
- NEW: Added warnings to UIAnchor and UIStretch components that inform the user about them being deprecated.
- NEW: Property binding can now let you select properties that only have either get or set, depending on what's needed.
- NEW: Added settable delegates to UICamera: GetKey, GetKeyDown, GetKeyUp, GetAxis.
- NEW: UIRect has a new anchor update setting: OnStart. It will only update anchors once.
- NEW: Panels have a new option to ignore soft border when constraining scroll view content.
- FIX: Added alexkring's work-around for the rare "texture destroyed" issue in the Atlas Maker.
- FIX: Dragging 2D UI elements into a scene with a 3D UI should no longer create many UI Roots.
- FIX: Labels will now use the draw region, making them usable as the slider's foreground.
- FIX: Localization with multi-line entries would skip the first word.
- FIX: The layout system's anchors should now work even for 3D UIs.
- FIX: UIWrapContent was not setting the restrict within panel flag correctly.
- FIX: UILabel.GetWordAtPosition now works with line breaks properly.
- FIX: Embedded URL retrieval code wasn't capping when it encountered a /url tag.
- FIX: Embedded URL retrieval is now much more precise.
- FIX: Mouse scroll wheel should again work with UICenterOnChild.
- FIX: UILocalize will now change UIButton's normal sprite.
- FIX: UIToggle transitions will now be instant if the value was changed while the toggle is disabled.
- FIX: UIDragDropitem will now work with 2D colliders (thanks HanzaRu).
- FIX: Bold can now be mixed with underline properly.
- DEL: Removed the old "Shader Quality" script that was messing up the refractive atlas.