Here's another smooth camera script. Designed to follow a car smoothly and give you the ability to zoom out when the car is moving. Hope someone makes use of it.
target = self explanatory
distance = Standard distance to follow object
height = The height of the camera
heightDamping = Smooth out the height position
lookAtHeight = An offset of the target
parentRigidbody = Used to determine how far the camera should zoom out when the car moves forward
rotationSnapTime = The time it takes to snap back to original rotation
distanceSnapTime = The time it takes to snap back to the original distance or the zoomed distance (depending on speed of parentRigidyBody)
distanceMultiplier = Make this around 0.1f for a small zoom out or 0.5f for a large zoom (depending on the speed of your rigidbody)
Looks best when you place the target transform on the front axle